With all this automation taking place, I’m getting lazier by the day. Even having to unlock my phone and open the bookmark for SmartVISU to activate a mood scene it taking too long / requiring too many actions.
Since Apple added HomeKit with its iOS 8, there’s now a way to integrate this with DomotiGa so I can control my devices with Siri! Yes voice control is finally here 😎
This is how it’s done. Note: this assumes you have DomotiGa already set up and running and know your way around Linux.
Installing on a Raspberry Pi? do this first:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev
You’ll also need the Avahi package:
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
Homebridge is published through NPM, if npm isn’t yet installed on your system, do this first:
sudo apt-get install curl curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_0.12 | sudo bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Then install HomeBridge “globally” by typing:
sudo npm install -g homebridge
Then install the DomotiGa plugin (Thanks Samfox2):
sudo npm install -g homebridge-domotiga
Now that HomeBridge and DomotiGa plugins are installed you need to add your own config file. Create a file called config.
NOTE: Your config.json file MUST live in your home directory inside .homebridge.
You can start by copying / pasting the below sample and update to reflect your setup:
{ "bridge": { "name": "DomotiGa", "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:32", "port": 51826, "pin": "031-45-154" }, "description": "This is an example configuration file with one fake accessory and one fake platform. You can use this as a template for creating your own configuration file containing devices you actually own.", "accessories": [ { "accessory": "Domotiga", "name": "Sensor garden", "host": "localhost", "port": "9090", "service": "TempHygroMeter", "device": "81", "valueTemperature": "1", "valueHumidity": "2", "valueBattery": "4", "lowbattery": "3000" }, { "accessory": "Domotiga", "name": "PC", "host": "192.168.0.xxx", "port": "9090", "service": "Contact", "device": "77", "valueContact": "1", "valueBattery": "2", "lowbattery": "3000" }, { "accessory": "Domotiga", "name": "Printer", "host": "192.168.0.xxx", "port": "9090", "service": "Switch", "device": "79", "valueSwitch": "1" } ] }
To run HomeBridge, type:
You may get warning messages as per below. These can be ignored. You should however not get any error message:
iOS App
Now you need an app on your iOS device. You can use Eve By Elgato Systems
In Eve, simply add an accessory:
(You’ll probably be asked to create a home the first time, call it anything you want, like “Home”.)
Tap on “Identify Accessory”:
Enter the code as per your config.json file, in this example: 031-45-154
You’re set up !
Hold your home button and ask Siri all kinds of stuff. On of my favourites is “Set Mood Scene Movies on” which sets my lighting accordingly 🙂
If you cannot see your accessories (DomotiGa device), try the following steps:
- Stop HomeBridge
- Delete the “Persist” folder in your home directory inside .homebridge.
- Try and change the username in your config.json file (anything else)
- On your iOS device, go to Settings > HomeKit and delete your Home
- Close Eve (double press the home button and swipe Eve up)
- Restart HomeBridge
- Restart Eve
Here are a few screenshots from Elgato’s website on what Eve can do: