I’ve now had enough time to play with my Kello and I’ve done enough integrations to share some updates.
Now Kello doesn’t have an API per se, but there are a few commands that can be used to communicate with it.
This enabled me to created a Kello interface on Home-Assistant so I can control my Kello remotely. Bonus: I can even do this when I’m not home.
The main interface is this one:

Kello on Home-Assistant
And here are some of the functions that I’ve achieved:
- When I stop the alarm, I then get greeted with the weather forecast for the day as well as estimated time to go to work
- I can play various radio stations, change the volume
- If for any reason the Kello loses WiFi connection, I get a notification email
- When I leave home, or when I set the house mode to “Holidays”, all alarms get deactivated
- When I reach home or when the house mode is no longer set to “Holidays”, all alarms are enabled
Here is a list of the commands I used to achieve the above:
printf "\n0p40xx\r" | nc [Kello's IP Address] 4444
Where xx is the volume in hex (Dec from 0 to 100, so 0x00 to 0x64 in hex)
Muting all Alarms:
printf "\n0p231\r" | nc [Kello's IP Address] 4444
Unmuting all Alarms:
printf "\n0d231\r" | nc [Kello's IP Address] 4444
Play (online) Media:
printf "\n0p41uri:http\:\/\/cdn.us1.sunup.co\/files\/music\/sounds\/fireside.ogg\r" | nc [Kello's IP Address] 4444
Stop Media:
printf "\n0d41\r" | nc [Kello's IP Address] 4444
And don’t forget the IFTTT Integration for more automation, check my previous post on how do to this.