New header pictures

I thought I’d customise my WordPress based page and replace the built in header pictures with my own.

I now have shots from some of my trips showing up. Enjoy

Home Automation Project

I’m using my Raspberry Pi more and more for home automation.

I have forgotten a few times to switch off the light downstairs while going to bed. And I usually don’t realise it’s been on until the next morning.

Similarly and more gravely I forgot a few times to lock the door.

Now I’m sure I’m not the only one to reach the bed, get comfortable and then ask myself “Did I lock the door?” only to have to go downstairs and double check.

This is where my Raspberry Pi and few components comes in handy: I have a PIR  for motion detection, a photo-resistor and a piezo buzzer connected to my Pi via a breadboard. Then it’s “simple”: check if it’s late in the day, check whether the light is on and if so, was there movement in the last 5 min? Yes? Then sound the alarm !

Similarly check if it’s late in the day, check whether the light is off and if so, is the door locked? No? Then sound the alarm !

I’ll create a dedicated page with some pics and code soon.


Welcome to my site. I purchased a Raspberry Pi in the middle of 2012 when it came out. At first, I really bought it as a gadget, not really knowing what I’d do with it, but it really grew on me so I decided to keep a blog of my experiences with it.

The ultimate goal was for the Raspberry Pi to be the brain of an home automation setup. A lot has changed since then, with many components added or replaced, but the beloved Raspberry Pi still holds a central role and importance in my ever changing setup.

I’ll try and update this blog with any major update or addition, with as many details and references as possible, but feel free to poke me if you need any more details on a specific iteration.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Happy reading!