I was looking to add sound to my DomotiGa installation so I could generate audio alerts and updates.
Since my server does not have any audio out socket, I’ve purchased some USB Speakers: Sweex 2.0 Speaker Set Purephonic USB Speakers:
There was only 1 glitch which took me a whole afternoon to sort. For some reason my user was not part of the audio group so I could not get any sound out.
I eventually realised this and sorted it with this command:
sudo adduser [user] audio
And to control the volume, I use this command:
amixer sset Master 50%
I have then recorded a few voice announcements using TTS (Text-To-Speech) that I can use with events such as:
- “Alert: Front CCTV connection Lost”
- “Alert: CurrentCost connection lost”
- “Mood Scene: Movies, Activated”
- and the geeky “Good Morning” 😎